Geoscience Australia is Australia’s pre-eminent public sector geoscience organisation. Our mission is to be the trusted source of information on Australia’s geology and geography for government, industry and community decision making. We apply science and technology to describe and understand the Earth for the benefit of Australia. This contributes to a safer, more prosperous and well-informed nation. Our work covers the Australian landmass, Australian marine jurisdiction and responsible jurisdictions in Antarctica. We support evidence-based decisions through information, advice and services for a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment.
We are committed to the health, safety, inclusion and wellbeing of our employees and offer an inclusive, flexible and diverse workplace. Our commitments to diversity and inclusion are set out in our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and Reconciliation Action Plan. We acknowledge that creating a truly inclusive workplace is not a set-and-forget task and are committed to ongoing and engagement with staff and regular reviews of policies, procedures and practices to ensure they are the best possible fit for our current and prospective staff, and the stakeholders we engage with.
We are proudly a Bronze accredited member organisation with the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) Program and are committed to achieving Silver accreditation by 2025. We are an accredited Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace with the Australian Breastfeeding Association and members of Pride in Diversity, the Australian Network on Disability and the Champions of Change Coalition.
We value diversity in gender, backgrounds, culture, and experiences of our employees. Applications from people who add to the diversity of our workforce are strongly encouraged.
Geoscience Australia is an Australian Government applied science agency within the Industry, Science, Energy and Resources portfolio.
We apply science and technology to describe and understand the Earth for the benefit of Australia via six strategic impact areas that shape and drive business activities now and into the future. The organisation aims to:
- build Australia’s resources wealth to maximise benefits from our mineral resources
- support Australia’s community safety to strengthen our resilience to the impact of hazards
- secure Australia’s water resources to optimise and sustain the use of our water resources
- manage Australia’s marine jurisdictions to support sustainable use of our marine environment
- create a location-enabled Australia to use detailed and fundamental geographic location information to develop the nation
- enable an informed Australia to equip government industry and community with geoscience data and information to make informed decisions for our nation.
We work closely with Cooperative Research Centres (CRC’s) such as the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, Government agencies such as the Bureau of Meteorology, industry groups such as the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies, Australian Geological Surveys and the general public through citizen science projects.
Geoscience Australia is one of Australia’s oldest publicly funded research agencies, with its first incarnation as the Australian Survey Office founded in 1910. Since that time Geoscience Australia’s activities have expanded and today it has responsibility for meeting the Australian Government’s geoscience requirements. This role takes us well beyond our historic focus on resource development to topics as diverse as natural hazards such as tsunami and earthquakes, environmental issues, including the impacts of climate change, groundwater research, marine and coastal research, carbon capture and storage and vegetation monitoring, precise positioning, as well as Earth observations from space.