About Us
The Department of Agriculture develops and implements policies and programs to ensure Australia’s agricultural, fisheries, food and forestry industries remain competitive, profitable and sustainable. We help drive a stronger Australian economy by building a more profitable, resilient and sustainable agriculture sector, and by supporting the sustainable and productive management and use of rivers and water resources. We have about 5000 staff working in offices, airports, mail centres, shipping ports, laboratories and abattoirs; located in regional centres, rural communities and capital cities. The department has a diverse role as a policy adviser to government, researcher, program administrator, service provider, market access negotiator and regulator. Our work contributes to strengthening Australia’s primary industries, delivering better returns to primary producers at the farm gate, protecting Australia from animal and plant pests and diseases, and improving the health of the country’s rivers and freshwater ecosystems.
Who we’re looking for
The department offers a range of employment opportunities in a number of different fields and locations, both in Australia and overseas. Around 58 per cent of our Australian-based employees work outside of Canberra in capital cities and regional offices, major airports, mail centres, shipping ports, laboratories and abattoirs. We have a diverse, capable, engaged and flexible workforce and our work is critical to implementing key government priorities, such as the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper.
1800 900 090