The Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) is an executive agency in the Attorney-General’s portfolio. We manage the application of bankruptcy and personal property securities laws through the delivery of high quality personal insolvency and trustee, regulation and enforcement, and personal property securities services.
Insolvency and trustee services
- Act as trustee for personal insolvency administrations.
- Act as trustee pursuant to court orders, particularly under the Proceeds of Crime legislation.
- Act as special trustee for government.
- Provide practical information about options to deal with unmanageable debt.
- Preserve the security and integrity of a large volume of personal insolvency records.
Regulation and enforcement
- Regulate personal insolvency practitioners.
- Investigate alleged Bankruptcy Act and Personal Property Securities Act (PPS Act) offences and where appropriate refer for prosecution.
Personal property securities
- Make administrative decisions to resolve disputes between secured parties and grantors.
- Exercise discretion in response to applications made under the PPS Act.
- Provide sector specific information to assist users to effectively use the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR).
- Preserve the security and integrity of a large volume of economically significant registration data.